
Thursday, January 5, 2012

my love affair with books

since i was young i've been an avid lover of books. i can still remember my first fairytale book was little mermaid. mama would practice my reading with it. that's the only memory i had about reading when i was younger. the rest i honestly can't recall how i learned to read.

when i was in elementary, the library was my hang-out. i was a loner then and i would always stay at the library every free time i have. i would also borrow books there. i just can't remember what books i read during elementary. i just remember i've started reading sweet valley kids and teens during those years because it was during our elementary days where my sister and i bought our very first sweet valley books which i still have now. from there my love affair with books still blossomed until i was in high school. library's still my place of solitude. i'm familiar with every aisle, where to find what category of books, etc. up until college years my passion for books was there. i super love the library back then, aside from the fact that it's airconditioned. perfect for reading, it has several floors to stay at and more books to choose from.

it was also during college days when i started buying and collecting tagalog pocketbooks. i would spend less on food just to be able to buy books. when i started working, there's more budget for my books craving. i was also able to buy english pocketbooks since i'm earning my own money already.

now, i have countless tagalog pocketbooks, some i've already sold through my online "shop" at facebook. it was supposed to be my outlet for disposing my books since they're increasing in numbers every year with the number of books being published every week. whew! anyway, i started selling using multiply but then shifted to fb since it's easier and there's more users. making the first sale was hard but then it went ok as time passed by. i then realized that i'm not exactly disposing my books anymore because i started buying from other online sellers also. then i also bought some second hand books to resell. it's now sort of a buy-and-sell thing for me.

it was also the same with the english pocketbooks. now, i really have to push myself to sell since i'm not making any sales since december. i know it was christmas season and people would spend on other things. so now i have to get back on track especially that based on my counting, my expenses had already exceeded my income.

i just love love love books so much that whenever we'd go malling with my family, we have to pass by national bookstore. hehe. aside from looking through pens, arts and craft stuff (my other weaknesses), i'd check out the books, if there's any new releases or just any books i've missed seeing before. and most often than not, i just can't control myself not buying anything. be it a book, magazine, pen, coloring material, anything! but i'm trying so hard to control myself already. since another of my goals this year is to control my spending.

as another of my things to accomplish this year, my goal is to read at least 2 books each month. this is aside from me reading also my tagalog pocketbooks. my english pocketbooks had grown so much over the years and yet i haven't read an 8th of it. goodluck to me!

* see my bookshelf soon for an idea on my "impossible" plan of reading all of my books...


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