
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

books vs. ebooks

i love reading. no questions about that. and as much as i love reading, i love collecting books. sometimes, i'd reach for books just because of their title or their nice book cover. i feel giddy and happy whenever i'm inside a bookstore as much as i was happy when i was younger and inside the school library. it's like heaven for me to be surrounded by books. i love books that i make it a point to refrain making any marks, crease, etc. on my books. they're like my babies that i only let my younger sister to read my tagalog pocketbooks because i know she'll be careful with them. call me selfish but i don't like lending my books because they might not take care of it as i do. it's from my personal earning and all so i have every right to be possessive of them.

now comes what they call e-book. though honestly i haven't tried reading one. i'm not in favor of it. so what if people say it's a solution to the depreciating number of trees? i still prefer to read my stories from hand held paper printed books rather than the radiation glaring e-books. i also love seeing my books collection in different colors and sizes. even just thinking about them, having and owning them makes me happy. will i feel the same with e-books? i don't think so. i'd just feel bad if ever my book copy got deleted, or my e-book reading equipment broke down or something. i won't even enjoy thinking i have my books collection in this tablet/laptop/cp/usb, etc. it's no fun, really.


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