
Sunday, January 8, 2012

he's back

he's back and i don't know whether it's good or bad.
he disappeared without notice last august and out of the blue i received a text from him last night. just when i though i'm finally getting over him even though it's hard since even the littlest thing reminds me of him. then here he comes worming his way back into my life. and i let him. just hearing his voice erased all the hurt and tears i went through for the last 4 months.
we've texted last night and today but i'm not sure where we're standing... i hate to hope but i still feel the same even after what he did.
am i a masochist or what? i don't know anymore. i just know it's easier to give in to what i feel rather than to shut him away.
i just pray this time it's for real. if not, let me have the strength to go through the entire moving on phase again but finally be able to fully move on.

~ emo of a frustrated girl online ~


michymichymoo said...

I don't know if this will help, but maybe you should just expect the worst. :\

ada.philline said...

wahaha.... now i'm just counting the days until my personal deadline for him to be back (again, for the nth time)... after that, if still nothing, good bye for real..

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