
Monday, January 2, 2012

king chef

we were discussing earlier where to eat out and one of the choices was king chef along banawe. everytime my dad and i passes by banawe at night, we could see the place to be fully parked with cars but i suppose it's because starbucks is also located there.

anyway, it's the first stop among the choices we had and we'd want to try it also, good thing we did. the place looked small but we found out that there's a second floor which i forgot to check out. hehe..

anyway, after we were seated, we reviewed the menu which took sometime since there's not much choices we like. hehe... we chose 6 dishes ( yes, we eat a lot, really eat, ok.. :> ) i then took some pictures, but then just asked shobe to do the picture taking since i'm shy. haha. so the pics here are mostly by shobe.

the food started to arrive. i'm actually amazed it didn't take that long. the dishes are simple, not much presentation which is common for chinese dishes, taste are not exceptional kind of like homestyle cooking which is nice, but the servings are big. we ordered small servings for all except the noodles but in my opinion they actually could pass for medium if it's with other restaurants.

when dad asked for the bill, he was asked by the waiter if we'd want dessert, dad kiddingly asked if it's free. the waiter said he'd ask and returned to tell us we'll have free dessert. yehey! it was almond jelly, my favorite among the chinese restaurants' desserts. hehe. (we usually had some free desserts in some chinese restaurants in manila, just try to ask, lucky if they have free desserts which usually would be jelly, fruits, buchi, or chinese style ginataan, etc.)

dad finally settled our bill which was just less than 1500 (it's super cheap to think we had 6 dishes for 5 persons with some leftovers, this is one of the reasons we prefer chinese restaurants, servings are more, not that expensive and we're used to the taste/cooking especially dad). when the lady who collected the payment returned to give back dad his card and receipt, she gave us free keychains! one for each of us 5. nice nice nice! we still had some food left which we asked to be wrapped for us to take home. finally, we left the place smiling, happy and contented and obviously will be returning. just not sure when since the big problem really is going there and the parking place.

here's some pics of the place, dishes we ordered plus the free keychain. :) it was a happy trip for us, glad we decided to drop by there. :)

* p.s.: to everyone, please don't over order when eating out, get too much food when in buffet that you can't and won't finish and don't just leave your leftovers. a lot of people are dying of hunger and i'm not saying i could help them live by not leaving leftovers but let's just be conscious of what we have. my family and i hate it when we see tables in restaurants or foodcourts with so many leftover food. food ain't cheap plus the effort spent by the people who cooked them, the ingredients, etc. just my thoughts. :)


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