
Sunday, January 15, 2012

chris tiu at sm the block

weee!!! saw chris tiu this afternoon at sm the block. but i'm so frustrated that my shobe and i can't take a decent clear shot of him. i hate my camera. grrr!!! i can see chris clearer with my own eyes compared to the shots taken by the camera. :(

anyway, here's my cropped pics taken earlier. one shot was of "papa chen" of binondo girl who acted/modeled as an emperor while chris tiu was a storyteller/reader in the event.

chris tiu

richard yap aka "papa chen"

Saturday, January 14, 2012

movies wish list

suddenly i just missed watching movies in cinema.

i checked out star cinema's movie line up for this year and here's some i liked :

my cactus heart - Maja Salvador, Matteo Guidicelli, Xian Lim (showing this january)
unofficially yours - John Lloyd Cruz, Angel Locsin
suddenly it's magic - Mario Maurer, Erich Gonzales
when a man loves a woman - Sarah Geronimo, John Lloyd Cruz, Iza Calzado
here comes the bride 2 - Angelica Panganiban, Eugene Domingo, John Lapus, Tuesday Vargas
kimmy dora 2 - Eugene Domingo
praybeyt benjamin 2 - Vice Ganda (haven't watched the first yet.. hehe)

for international films which i'm not so much excited since i'm not even sure if they'll be shown in the phils. this year.. :

the vow
mirror, mirror
snow white and the huntsman
how to be single

ohhhh.. i'm getting excited already to watch. hehe.. pray pray pray i can watch these.. :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

he's back

he's back and i don't know whether it's good or bad.
he disappeared without notice last august and out of the blue i received a text from him last night. just when i though i'm finally getting over him even though it's hard since even the littlest thing reminds me of him. then here he comes worming his way back into my life. and i let him. just hearing his voice erased all the hurt and tears i went through for the last 4 months.
we've texted last night and today but i'm not sure where we're standing... i hate to hope but i still feel the same even after what he did.
am i a masochist or what? i don't know anymore. i just know it's easier to give in to what i feel rather than to shut him away.
i just pray this time it's for real. if not, let me have the strength to go through the entire moving on phase again but finally be able to fully move on.

~ emo of a frustrated girl online ~

Saturday, January 7, 2012

bookshelf page editing

well, my mind's still out of ideas on what to write (again) so i'll just update my bookshelf page instead.

enjoy! hehe...

Friday, January 6, 2012

168 trip

let me share something from yesterday's trip to 168.

as i was checking out shoes from one stall in the street, the lady beside me asked the seller : "wala bang bawas?"

guess what the seller answered.

"kung babawasan ko hindi na kakasya sa'yo yan."

what!? so sarcastic and pilosopo. the lady actually walked away. which i also did. whew! i've encountered sellers and owners that are masusungit and matataray to inquiring customers (which is wrong), but it's only yesterday that i met a seller like her. i just hope she'll realize her wrong behavior and change


~ repostings from fb ~

You stole my heart, so I'm planning to revenge, I'm going to take your last name : ) ♥

Love is when you look at his picture for hours then suddenly, you realize it's actually a group picture. ♥

Thursday, January 5, 2012

my love affair with books

since i was young i've been an avid lover of books. i can still remember my first fairytale book was little mermaid. mama would practice my reading with it. that's the only memory i had about reading when i was younger. the rest i honestly can't recall how i learned to read.

when i was in elementary, the library was my hang-out. i was a loner then and i would always stay at the library every free time i have. i would also borrow books there. i just can't remember what books i read during elementary. i just remember i've started reading sweet valley kids and teens during those years because it was during our elementary days where my sister and i bought our very first sweet valley books which i still have now. from there my love affair with books still blossomed until i was in high school. library's still my place of solitude. i'm familiar with every aisle, where to find what category of books, etc. up until college years my passion for books was there. i super love the library back then, aside from the fact that it's airconditioned. perfect for reading, it has several floors to stay at and more books to choose from.

it was also during college days when i started buying and collecting tagalog pocketbooks. i would spend less on food just to be able to buy books. when i started working, there's more budget for my books craving. i was also able to buy english pocketbooks since i'm earning my own money already.

now, i have countless tagalog pocketbooks, some i've already sold through my online "shop" at facebook. it was supposed to be my outlet for disposing my books since they're increasing in numbers every year with the number of books being published every week. whew! anyway, i started selling using multiply but then shifted to fb since it's easier and there's more users. making the first sale was hard but then it went ok as time passed by. i then realized that i'm not exactly disposing my books anymore because i started buying from other online sellers also. then i also bought some second hand books to resell. it's now sort of a buy-and-sell thing for me.

it was also the same with the english pocketbooks. now, i really have to push myself to sell since i'm not making any sales since december. i know it was christmas season and people would spend on other things. so now i have to get back on track especially that based on my counting, my expenses had already exceeded my income.

i just love love love books so much that whenever we'd go malling with my family, we have to pass by national bookstore. hehe. aside from looking through pens, arts and craft stuff (my other weaknesses), i'd check out the books, if there's any new releases or just any books i've missed seeing before. and most often than not, i just can't control myself not buying anything. be it a book, magazine, pen, coloring material, anything! but i'm trying so hard to control myself already. since another of my goals this year is to control my spending.

as another of my things to accomplish this year, my goal is to read at least 2 books each month. this is aside from me reading also my tagalog pocketbooks. my english pocketbooks had grown so much over the years and yet i haven't read an 8th of it. goodluck to me!

* see my bookshelf soon for an idea on my "impossible" plan of reading all of my books...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

books vs. ebooks

i love reading. no questions about that. and as much as i love reading, i love collecting books. sometimes, i'd reach for books just because of their title or their nice book cover. i feel giddy and happy whenever i'm inside a bookstore as much as i was happy when i was younger and inside the school library. it's like heaven for me to be surrounded by books. i love books that i make it a point to refrain making any marks, crease, etc. on my books. they're like my babies that i only let my younger sister to read my tagalog pocketbooks because i know she'll be careful with them. call me selfish but i don't like lending my books because they might not take care of it as i do. it's from my personal earning and all so i have every right to be possessive of them.

now comes what they call e-book. though honestly i haven't tried reading one. i'm not in favor of it. so what if people say it's a solution to the depreciating number of trees? i still prefer to read my stories from hand held paper printed books rather than the radiation glaring e-books. i also love seeing my books collection in different colors and sizes. even just thinking about them, having and owning them makes me happy. will i feel the same with e-books? i don't think so. i'd just feel bad if ever my book copy got deleted, or my e-book reading equipment broke down or something. i won't even enjoy thinking i have my books collection in this tablet/laptop/cp/usb, etc. it's no fun, really.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


i can't remember when was the first time i started blogging. i think it was way back in college. i think my first was with xanga but as expected, i didn't update it as i should have had.

over the years i created countless blogs with different blog sites which of course, i never kept updated. hehe... bad bad me. last year, when i joined the northies group, i met this blogger who really writes everyday on her blogsite. i got envious of her dedication which made me re-update one of my blogs.

after going over the different blogs i had, i finally settled with
i then transferred all my other blog posts from other sites into this one site. posts started from way back 2005 but only had very few posts for each year. it was only in year 2009 when i actually wrote more but not enough if i say so.

this year, as one of my personal goals, i'd want to finally be able to keep my blog updated as regularly as i can. though i don't really want my blog be known, it would be nice to know if anyone would care to read my posts. :)

my blog won't be a food blog, photoblog or anything. it would be anything under the sun. no limits, just purely my thoughts on anything and everything.

so, it may be late already but let's keep the thoughts coming and write on! :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

king chef

we were discussing earlier where to eat out and one of the choices was king chef along banawe. everytime my dad and i passes by banawe at night, we could see the place to be fully parked with cars but i suppose it's because starbucks is also located there.

anyway, it's the first stop among the choices we had and we'd want to try it also, good thing we did. the place looked small but we found out that there's a second floor which i forgot to check out. hehe..

anyway, after we were seated, we reviewed the menu which took sometime since there's not much choices we like. hehe... we chose 6 dishes ( yes, we eat a lot, really eat, ok.. :> ) i then took some pictures, but then just asked shobe to do the picture taking since i'm shy. haha. so the pics here are mostly by shobe.

the food started to arrive. i'm actually amazed it didn't take that long. the dishes are simple, not much presentation which is common for chinese dishes, taste are not exceptional kind of like homestyle cooking which is nice, but the servings are big. we ordered small servings for all except the noodles but in my opinion they actually could pass for medium if it's with other restaurants.

when dad asked for the bill, he was asked by the waiter if we'd want dessert, dad kiddingly asked if it's free. the waiter said he'd ask and returned to tell us we'll have free dessert. yehey! it was almond jelly, my favorite among the chinese restaurants' desserts. hehe. (we usually had some free desserts in some chinese restaurants in manila, just try to ask, lucky if they have free desserts which usually would be jelly, fruits, buchi, or chinese style ginataan, etc.)

dad finally settled our bill which was just less than 1500 (it's super cheap to think we had 6 dishes for 5 persons with some leftovers, this is one of the reasons we prefer chinese restaurants, servings are more, not that expensive and we're used to the taste/cooking especially dad). when the lady who collected the payment returned to give back dad his card and receipt, she gave us free keychains! one for each of us 5. nice nice nice! we still had some food left which we asked to be wrapped for us to take home. finally, we left the place smiling, happy and contented and obviously will be returning. just not sure when since the big problem really is going there and the parking place.

here's some pics of the place, dishes we ordered plus the free keychain. :) it was a happy trip for us, glad we decided to drop by there. :)

* p.s.: to everyone, please don't over order when eating out, get too much food when in buffet that you can't and won't finish and don't just leave your leftovers. a lot of people are dying of hunger and i'm not saying i could help them live by not leaving leftovers but let's just be conscious of what we have. my family and i hate it when we see tables in restaurants or foodcourts with so many leftover food. food ain't cheap plus the effort spent by the people who cooked them, the ingredients, etc. just my thoughts. :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

new year new blog

it's now year 2012. happy new year everyone!

i decided to create a new blog for the new since i feel that my other blog's already had quite a number of posts from years before.

i'm quite shocked but happy that there's not much fireworks noise last night. year after year somehow there's becoming less and less fireworks which works with me. :) i super hate noise especially during new year's eve. those firecrackers before really kept me up with my heart pounding hard because of the big sound impact they create which makes our house's ground really shake. scary.

anyway, here's my newest toy just in time for the year of the dragon. cute little dragon stuff toy. his name's drei by the way. :)