
Thursday, July 12, 2012

my PHR life

I've been a reader of tagalog pocketbooks since my elementary years. During my college days, I would be spending less on my lunch just to be able to buy your books from a reseller just near the LRT station going home. When I had my first job, buying the books became a part of my usual expenses. As years passed, I didn't notice how much my collection had came to be.

Two years ago, I decided to dispose some of them. It took me some time to finally be able to sort through them, take pics and upload them online to sell. It was hard at first, being an newbie in the online market. Making the first sale was memorable. A lot had happened during the one year on my online selling stint. Made some frequent buyers and also some scammers. Was even called a scammer by someone and his/her idea of having me and one buyer "fight" claiming i said negative things to buyer and vice versa.

Until now, I still buy pocketbooks and still my collection's growing. I just can't help it. I'm addicted to books. :(


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