
Saturday, March 10, 2012

phone addiction

i admit, i'm a phone addict (?). i just love having new phones. haha. but i'm proud to say i had my htc hero the longest (more than 2 years already). mainly because it's my first touch screen phone, the most expensive yet phone i've bought and it keeps me busy with games when i'm bored.

but then my phone just suddenly died on me last january. it was working the night before then when i checked for any message the following day, nothing! it's not working. even if charged, nothing happened. i had it checked at a cp store, was told the power supply's the problem. but they can't fix it because they're not familiar with htc phones. bohoo! i tried to research for htc's service center but read a lot of negative reviews so i decided to forget it for a while. anyway, dad had my htc hero fixed and now it's ready to be used again. hehe..

having my htc fixed wasn't rushed since i have a second phone which is alcatel dual sim (pink's not really my favorite, but it's better than the boring black one). it's just that i'm having a hard time using it especially texting. i don't know if it's just me/my phone unit or there's really a problem with the touch screen feature of alcatel.

anyway, since originally i'm using 2 numbers, then i needed to have another one for "business" purpose, i needed to have another phone. hehe. excuses! anyway, i had a hard time looking for a good dual sim phone(less phone to carry around). anyway, after long researches and attempts in buying a new phone. i settled for simple nokia c200. it's cheaper and easier to use plus it's a safe and guaranteed brand.

just last week, as i was malling around 168, i bought another phone! haha! i was actually depressed that day and out of depression had the impulse to buy something. and that was a phone. hehe.. it was so cute and cheap i just had to buy it right then and there. so far it's ok. though it's a bit hard adjusting texting (the layout's different) and it's small thus keypad's smaller. i know it's not the real nokia but as long as it's functioning, it's good. hehe. i kept my alcatel phone in the meantime since i'm already using 2 phones. :)

so, now i have 2 spare phones but no one i think would want to borrow then since both are alcatel brands and it needs adjustment if you're used to nokia phones. but i love alcatel's colorful phones. :)
here's my earlier alcatel phone..


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