
Thursday, March 15, 2012

been busy lately...

haha.. feeler! :)
well, i've tried to keep myself busy so as not to think about that person. and it's quite effective.

been updating my online shop and am happy that i'm getting orders every now and then. at least, there's sales. :)

just hope to sell more (if possible, all..) so that i can retire from online selling. hehe.. honestly i can't say until when i'll be motivated to sell and not let my laziness get the best of me.

aside from being online, i'm also trying to read as much of my tagalog pocketbooks so that i can dispose (sell) those that i don't really like much. hehe.. next in line would be my english pocketbooks..

i'm also planning to sell next magazines i've bought over the years which i haven't really read. tsktsk.. i'm really a certified shopaholic for books and other reading materials. (and also art stuff, even ballpens that are cute and colorful) haha.. but really, i'm trying to control myself already.

i've controlled myself from buying those english books i've wanted, will wait until there's a sale. so i can save. hehe..

but, my budget's been held captive by my desire to buy those betty and veronica comics... hmmm.. currently i've already collected 37 pieces in just a span of less than 2 months. hehe.. addiction's really gotten me so bad.

anyway, hope to be able to post more frequently, it's just that there's not much to share with life. i really have to get a job and start living life again. :)


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