
Thursday, March 22, 2012


Ang girl kahit may gusto Deny ng Deny...pero ang boy, kahit walang gusto... I love you ng I love you... ;)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

nbs super summer book sale

at last, after waiting and hoping for national to have a sale, wish granted!
from march 16 to april 15, 2012, discounts on imported books at all branches of national bookstore.

well, as expected, my budget's compromised again. hehe.. but at least i'm happy. :) just need to be able to read them this year. one of my personal goals. hehe. here are my purchases this time, adding to my collection of books to read.

* i've got one more book in my wishlist, sophie kinsella's latest book. i'll still have to wait for it to be sold as paperback size, so that all of her books in my collection will be of same sizes. hehe..


If a girl ever steals your man, there's no better revenge than letting her keep ...him.
Real men...can't be stolen.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

goodbye mall?

it was early this morning when i heard from my parents that they've seen on tv that ever gotesco grand central (known to us as grand central) is on fire since last night around 10pm. grand central's the first mall in our part of caloocan. been there since we were little.
* photo grab from facebook

all day long we could see smoke when we look out the bedroom window (from the second floor of the house). it would be faint smoke then darker then faint and so on but it didn't clear up totally which meant it was continuous. i also went to see the area this afternoon, hehe, curious me. cars were being redirected since the area in front of the mall is already full of firetrucks. people are everywhere, "usisero/usisera" like me. hehe.. anyway, the mall's dark and i can only see firemen and police in the mall area. nothing much was seen actually.

the highlight of the trip is hearing people's hearsay is same with that of my family's guess that grand central's fire is just to make way for sm taking over the location. everyone in the street were talking about having sm caloocan. and even in facebook, posts were about grand central's death and the future rise of sm caloocan. haha... really, people are so good with hearsay. here's a picture i've grabbed from facebook on a sm caloocan.

Friday, March 16, 2012

selecta triple chocolate

happy! was finally able to eat the ice cream i've bought last week (together with that magnum). anyway, been craving for a couple of days for chocolate ice cream and finally, yes!

this one's the latest from selecta i've seen. it has triple chocolate flavors: dark choco, milk choco, hazelnut choco. i didn't liked hazelnut choco much. flavor was too strong that it overpowers the two other flavors. anyway, it was still nice since i love chocolate. hehe.. yumyum! :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

been busy lately...

haha.. feeler! :)
well, i've tried to keep myself busy so as not to think about that person. and it's quite effective.

been updating my online shop and am happy that i'm getting orders every now and then. at least, there's sales. :)

just hope to sell more (if possible, all..) so that i can retire from online selling. hehe.. honestly i can't say until when i'll be motivated to sell and not let my laziness get the best of me.

aside from being online, i'm also trying to read as much of my tagalog pocketbooks so that i can dispose (sell) those that i don't really like much. hehe.. next in line would be my english pocketbooks..

i'm also planning to sell next magazines i've bought over the years which i haven't really read. tsktsk.. i'm really a certified shopaholic for books and other reading materials. (and also art stuff, even ballpens that are cute and colorful) haha.. but really, i'm trying to control myself already.

i've controlled myself from buying those english books i've wanted, will wait until there's a sale. so i can save. hehe..

but, my budget's been held captive by my desire to buy those betty and veronica comics... hmmm.. currently i've already collected 37 pieces in just a span of less than 2 months. hehe.. addiction's really gotten me so bad.

anyway, hope to be able to post more frequently, it's just that there's not much to share with life. i really have to get a job and start living life again. :)


Ang karelasyon hindi dapat pang DEKORASYON.
Dapat mahalin ng walang KONDISYON.
Hindi iniipon na parang KOLEKSYON.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

family outing

finally settled our family outing for may.
after researching for a place to go this summer, finally settled with phi-phi hotel and beach resort in morong, bataan. i just pray the place lives up to what were shown in their website and facebook pics and the reviews of former visitors of them.

* can't help smiling with their tagline:

"where the sexy sun meets the sultry sea"

Monday, March 12, 2012


Ang tunay na lalaki ay maraming babae
... .
na nilalayuan dahil alam niyang meron isang taong masasaktan.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


yesterday, i was finally able to read another english pocketbook. hehe.. been busy with the tagalog ones since they're much thinner and easier to finish.

anyway, this one's more for the children but hey, so what!? i'm still a kid at heart and i love fairy tales. hehe. honestly, i can't remember the entire story of rapunzel. just the basic that when her mom was pregnant with rapunzel she wanted to have a food that's only available in a witch's place. some scenes of the witch and father's encounter. then next i remember is rapunzel was taken and kept by the witch at a tower. then the witch would be using rapunzel's long hair as "stair" to get up and down the tower. a prince came into the picture and saved rapunzel. hehe.. see? it's not a complete story since rapunzel was not widely known and i've read that story once only, when i was still young.

but disney produced their animated version of rapunzel entitled as "tangled". i know it's not entirely the real story, they've made changes in the storyline to make it marketable i guess.

anyway, this book i read was also another version of rapunzel. but this one i think is nearer the one i've read when i was younger. what's nice with the book is that it showed the story behind both rapunzel and her "prince charming". it was an easy read since i've already said, it's a children's book. that's why i liked it. hehe.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

phone addiction

i admit, i'm a phone addict (?). i just love having new phones. haha. but i'm proud to say i had my htc hero the longest (more than 2 years already). mainly because it's my first touch screen phone, the most expensive yet phone i've bought and it keeps me busy with games when i'm bored.

but then my phone just suddenly died on me last january. it was working the night before then when i checked for any message the following day, nothing! it's not working. even if charged, nothing happened. i had it checked at a cp store, was told the power supply's the problem. but they can't fix it because they're not familiar with htc phones. bohoo! i tried to research for htc's service center but read a lot of negative reviews so i decided to forget it for a while. anyway, dad had my htc hero fixed and now it's ready to be used again. hehe..

having my htc fixed wasn't rushed since i have a second phone which is alcatel dual sim (pink's not really my favorite, but it's better than the boring black one). it's just that i'm having a hard time using it especially texting. i don't know if it's just me/my phone unit or there's really a problem with the touch screen feature of alcatel.

anyway, since originally i'm using 2 numbers, then i needed to have another one for "business" purpose, i needed to have another phone. hehe. excuses! anyway, i had a hard time looking for a good dual sim phone(less phone to carry around). anyway, after long researches and attempts in buying a new phone. i settled for simple nokia c200. it's cheaper and easier to use plus it's a safe and guaranteed brand.

just last week, as i was malling around 168, i bought another phone! haha! i was actually depressed that day and out of depression had the impulse to buy something. and that was a phone. hehe.. it was so cute and cheap i just had to buy it right then and there. so far it's ok. though it's a bit hard adjusting texting (the layout's different) and it's small thus keypad's smaller. i know it's not the real nokia but as long as it's functioning, it's good. hehe. i kept my alcatel phone in the meantime since i'm already using 2 phones. :)

so, now i have 2 spare phones but no one i think would want to borrow then since both are alcatel brands and it needs adjustment if you're used to nokia phones. but i love alcatel's colorful phones. :)
here's my earlier alcatel phone..


my experiments today:

ginataang kangkong

squash spaghetti (excess sauce of ginataang sitaw kalabasa, leftover chicken with spaghetti)

Friday, March 9, 2012


i don't know what's the crave about this magnum ice cream. i've read about people eating this but didn't know that it's just popsicled chocolate coated vanilla ice cream.
i bought 4 pieces for mom, me, and 2 sisters to taste and if computed, and i was super shocked when the cashier scanned the item and showed it to be priced at 50 pesos each! whoa! i could have just bought another 1.5L of selecta ice cream at 215 pesos. :(
anyway, for experience sake, it's still overly priced! haha.. it's just plain vanilla ice cream coated with "belgian" chocolate on popsicle stick. it could have passed as mcdo's chocolate coated ice cream cone. same taste, triple the price (?). ohwell.. here's some pics of the though provoking ice cream stick. hehe..

my family's take why this ice cream is impossibly overpriced:
check out the popsicle stick, it has the name on it. plus! the inside of the wrapper is also printed with "magnum".

i'd still choose mcdo's choco sundae over this anytime. i'd get twice for just one of this. :p

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


SINGLE isn't a status, it's a word that describes a person who's strong enough to enjoy life without depending on others!


BOY: Pag tayo naging mag asawa at inutusan mo kong maglaba..
GIRL: Aahh ganon?! Hiwalay ba?!
... .
BOY: Oo. Hiwalay agad ang de color sa puti. ♥ :">


Nakakalinaw ng MATA, malayo pa lang kitang kita mo na :)
-proven and tested


Love's never finding a hand that perfectly fits yours. It's finding the one who is willing to hold your hands no matter how unfit it may be : ) ♥


Ang sarap alagaan ng isang RELASYON na kahit alam mong hindi kayo PERPEKTO, basta ang importante, pareho kayong KUNTENTO ♥