
Saturday, February 4, 2012

busy busy busy

wow... it's been so long since my last post. been super busy with things lately and was low with motivation to blog. hehe.. bad bad me..

anyway, tomorrow's the last day of the week. at last the super busy week will come to an end.
for 5 days straight i was with youngest sis at tkd central gym to train for tomorrow's competition. been coming home super late and straight to bed already so i haven't had time to go online and especially blog here.

next week, i'll be back to blogging. had many things to blog about but had to set them aside since i've been distracted by the return of special someone. been busy catching up and lied low with cyberlife for the past 2 to 3 weeks or so.

will be back again hopefully tomorrow or the next day. :)


michymichymoo said...

We'll be waiting for your new stories. :)

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