
Sunday, February 19, 2012

my books wishlist

waaa! i was at national bookstore earlier and found these 3 books i so wanted to buy.

first on my list is sophie kinsella's latest book. this one i really like because the storyline is good. but then again, i won't be buying it yet. i still have to wait until they release it in pocketbook size because what was released was the tradepaperback size which is too big for me. hehe... so, for now, control control. patience is my favorite virtue anyway. :)

second on my list is alexandra potter's newest book also. i love her books because of the pretty pretty book covers. third is still from alexandra potter which is actually her first book. i haven't bought it yet because i didn't find the story good enough before, but when i read it again earlier, it was quite ok. :) i'm still waiting for national bookstore's sale so i could buy them already. i just need the self control to wait until then because i might feel that impulse buying virus and buy then soon. very bad for my budget. hehe..

Thursday, February 16, 2012


GIRL: Maghiwalay nalang tayo!!
BOY: OK lang babalikan ko nlng yung EX ko..

BOY: I still love you..
GIRL: Dba break na tayo?! Babalikan mo pa nga EX mo dba?!
BOY: Eto na nga.. Binabalikan na ulit kita.. *grin*

Saturday, February 4, 2012

busy busy busy

wow... it's been so long since my last post. been super busy with things lately and was low with motivation to blog. hehe.. bad bad me..

anyway, tomorrow's the last day of the week. at last the super busy week will come to an end.
for 5 days straight i was with youngest sis at tkd central gym to train for tomorrow's competition. been coming home super late and straight to bed already so i haven't had time to go online and especially blog here.

next week, i'll be back to blogging. had many things to blog about but had to set them aside since i've been distracted by the return of special someone. been busy catching up and lied low with cyberlife for the past 2 to 3 weeks or so.

will be back again hopefully tomorrow or the next day. :)

latest addiction

well, i don't know what exactly came to me but i just had this urge to suddenly read and collect archies' comics. but specifically, i prefer only betty and veronica's copies. hehe..

so, here's my what i've collected so far for just barely 2 weeks time. and now, my budget's way deep low level already. :( but it's worth it. so far.. :)

* the last pic's not comic style but novel. i was fooled. grr.. anyway. :)