
Monday, August 27, 2012

cinderella cleaners: swan fake

"Diana's never been a fan of cheerleaders. After all, mean queen bee Kayleigh is one, and she's always snooty to Diana and her friends. Still, Diana has school spirit, and is bummed to be missing all the festivities for the town's Homecoming game while she's stuck working at the cleaners. But when Diana's co-worker Cat has to help a friend in need, Diana finds herself at the Homecoming parade and, against all odds, wearing a cheerleading costume borrowed from the cleaners! And to her surprise, Diana almost...enjoys her disguise! But can she pull off this top-secret pom-pom mission?"

Friday, August 24, 2012

cinderella cleaners: scheme spirit

"Diana's never been a fan of cheerleaders. After all, mean queen bee Kayleigh is one, and she's always snooty to Diana and her friends. Still, Diana has school spirit, and is bummed to be missing all the festivities for the town's Homecoming game while she's stuck working at the cleaners. But when Diana's co-worker Cat has to help a friend in need, Diana finds herself at the Homecoming parade and, against all odds, wearing a cheerleading costume borrowed from the cleaners! And to her surprise, Diana almost...enjoys her disguise! But can she pull off this top-secret pom-pom mission?"

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


GF & BF met an accident ..

(BF survived and GF died)

GF beg for a second life because she loved her BF so much ..

[wish granted]

living in another body , the girl met her BF again .
they were dating until the night her BF said...

"you know what? your actions seem familiar.. you are like one of the girls I played with but she's gone, she died because I planned it!"

Monday, August 20, 2012

psyc & law students

A guy asked a girl in a library; “Do you mind if I sit beside you”?

The girl answered with a loud voice; "I DON’T WANT TO SPEND THE NIGHT

All the students in the librarystarted staring at the guy and he was embarrassed. After a couple of minutes, the
girl walked quietly to the guy’s table and she told him “I study psychology and I know what a man is thinking, I guess you felt embarrassed right?"

The guy responded with a
loud voice: "$200 JUST FOR ONE NIGHT!!!? THAT’S TOO MUCH!!!"

...and all the people in the
library looked at the girl in shock and the guy whispered in her ears; “I study Law and I know how to make someone feel guilty"

Sunday, August 19, 2012

ramen x

we tried ramen x in trinoma earlier.

we had 2 orders of fried gyoza (php 59 for 4 pcs per order) for sharing and i had shoyu ramen (Soy based roast pork noodle for php 99)


we all agreed that steamed gyoza is better than fried ones..

first pic was the actual presentation when served. second was with their laddle like spoon for the soup.
we all found the ramen noodle to be thick and too hard for us. we don't know if that's the way it should be. there's a bit of spiciness in the soup but nothing spectacular with the dish.

well, it's something to have if you're hungry, price for me is comparable with the dish presentation, taste and all. but if you're into japanese dishes especially noodles, i say go to kimono ken. it's the best japanese restaurant we've been so far. and it's value for money. :)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

soi thai

my friend and i had our lunch at soi thai in RP.
*i forgot to take a pic of the restaurant's exterior. hehe..


curry rice with fish fillet

stir fried string beans & grilled pork in shrimp paste

singaporean pad thai

the place was very nice, really thai ambiance. (plus, we were the only two customers during most of our stay there. hehe) the food tasted good, a bit spicy for my taste though but still bearable. :) my friend liked their service because the waiters would refill our glasses with water every now and then, no need to request anymore. nice! over all it's a good restaurant.

* too bad it still won't meet my parents' criteria for good thai restaurant. we've been missing sukhothai restaurant that we used to frequent when we were younger. too bad it's already not operating. their dishes then were good for group of 5-6, perfect for our family. lately there are some thai restaurants around but they all serve only dishes maximum for sharing of 2 persons only. :(

Friday, August 10, 2012

cinderella cleaners: rock & role

"Diana has always dreamed about being on camera and now, she might get her chance! On her way to drop off a super-cool vest for a Cinderella Cleaners client, Diana happens to meet pop star Tasha Kane. Tasha invites Diana to try out for a role in her new video, and Diana is beyond excited. But there's one big catch: Tasha wants the video to feature the rockin' vest which doesn't belong to Diana! Can Diana still rock the video shoot? Or will she-and Cinderella Cleaners-roll into serious trouble?"

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

cinderella cleaners: prep cool

"This week at Cinderella Cleaners, someone has dropped off a private-school uniform. Diana has always wondered what it would be like to attend a posh academy and now she has the chance to find out. Her best friend's cell phone is stolen, and in order to catch the culprit, Diana has to sneak into super-snooty Foreman Academy. But she never counted on mayhem, mean girls, and a pop quiz! Can Diana convince everyone she's a prep-school student, or will she flunk big-time?"

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

declaration of romantic intent

saw this on someone's fb post.. found it entertaining... :)

july book challenge

wow... i'm on my second month for the book challenge and so far i'm still keeping up with my pace. slowed down a bit on my english books reading though. i was into teen's books this month after reading 2 suspense books which i didn't liked that much.
let's see what happens on my third month.. :)

Friday, July 27, 2012

real friends & bday

so very true.
and i know my close friends' birthdays.. even some of my not so close friends. hehe..
i just like to take note of people's special day. :)

Monday, July 23, 2012

cinderella cleaners: change of a dress

"Behind the counter at Cinderella Cleaners, Diana watches the clothes come and go. She loves to imagine the exciting events that the different outfits might be worn to. Then one day, Diana reaches into the pocket of a fancy coat-and finds an invitation to a glittering gala in New York City. Since the coat's owner is out of town, Diana gets a wild idea. With the help of some savvy friends, one glamorous dress, and a lot of improvising, Diana pretends to be someone she's not, and makes it into the party! Will she be discovered, or will her disguise come off without a hitch?"


" Rapunzel is having the ultimate bad day. She's been stolen by a witch, may have a ghost for a roommate, and doesn't even have a decent brush for her hair.
Prince Benjamin's got it pretty tough, too. His father wants him to be more kingly, his mother wants him to never leave her sight, and his cousin wants to get him into as much trouble as possible (preferably with a troll).
Both Rapunzel and Prince Benjamin are trapped -- in very different ways. Once their paths cross, well, that's when things REALLY get strange."

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

sleeping beauty

" It's not easy being Princess Rose. Especially when a fairy curses you and you find yourself avoiding all sharp objects... and then end up pricking your finger anyway, causing you to slumber for a hundred years.
And it's not easy being The Prince. Especially when your mother has some ogre blood and tends to chow down at the most unfortunate moments. A walk in the woods would help, you think. Until you find a certain hidden castle...and a certain sleeping princess. Happily ever after? Not until the prince helps the princess awaken...and brings her home to Mother."

Sunday, July 15, 2012

bon chon

finally! i was able to try bon chon. i was wondering what the craze was all about.

mom and youngest sis ordered the sandwich with fries meal while 2nd sister had the fish and rice meal (i didn't take photos of them, hehe). dad and i had the thigh chicken meal. all were soy flavored since we all don't like spicy. :)

it was just flavored fried chicken thigh with rice and drink. the chicken was itself was tasteless and oily looking when it was served (i think it was because of the soy glaze they say). only the breading or skin had some flavor, too bad for those who refuse to eat skin. personally, i absolutely wouldn't try it again. it's a rip off for php145 for just a simple meal of 2 pcs fried chicken, rice and drink.

2nd sister shared some of her fried fish which she totally loved but i found it common. tasted like the usual fried fish in those fish and fries dishes. the chicken burger looked good but the problem was it was served as is. i was used to the fastfood serving where burgers were wrapped. mom had a hard time eating her burger since the sauce would be dripping every now and then, it was messy.

i don't think i'd be visiting bon chon anytime soon. i was so disappointed. maybe i'll try it again next time at another branch. maybe there'll be difference. who knows?

Saturday, July 14, 2012

haircut day

just had my haircut this morning...
had to wait an hour for the salon to open. sister asked yesterday what time will they be open, owner told her 9am. but when we got there, it was already past 9 and someone inside is still cleaning the place. and no sign of any hairstylist.

anyway, apple who cut my hair said that my haircut would be straight layered. i was confused, is it straight or layered? haha.. well, it looks ok, looks the same with my usual hairstyle which is straight. but there were added layers to make it look better. haha...

sorry, no pics since i'm shy. haha..

Friday, July 13, 2012


Thursday, July 12, 2012

my PHR life

I've been a reader of tagalog pocketbooks since my elementary years. During my college days, I would be spending less on my lunch just to be able to buy your books from a reseller just near the LRT station going home. When I had my first job, buying the books became a part of my usual expenses. As years passed, I didn't notice how much my collection had came to be.

Two years ago, I decided to dispose some of them. It took me some time to finally be able to sort through them, take pics and upload them online to sell. It was hard at first, being an newbie in the online market. Making the first sale was memorable. A lot had happened during the one year on my online selling stint. Made some frequent buyers and also some scammers. Was even called a scammer by someone and his/her idea of having me and one buyer "fight" claiming i said negative things to buyer and vice versa.

Until now, I still buy pocketbooks and still my collection's growing. I just can't help it. I'm addicted to books. :(

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

the death pictures

"A dying artist creates a series of ten paintings - The Death Pictures - which contain a mysterious riddle, leading the way to a unique and highly valuable prize. Thousands attempt to solve it. But before the answer can be revealed, the painter is murdered. A serial rapist is working through a series of attacks. He isn't shy to make clear his hatred of women, and taunting of the police. He leaves his calling card, a witch's hat at the houses he breaks into, each numbered from a pack of six.The detectives face baffling questions. Why kill the artist when he would die naturally in just a few weeks time? What to make of the attempted break in at his house just before his death? Could it be connected with the rapes, all of which have been carried out in the area around his home? The media interest in the cases is intense, and Detective Chief Inspector Adam Breen again turns to his friend, TV Crime reporter Dan Groves to help him handle it. Dan does - at the price of some great scoops, and an involvement in the case that eventually leads him to effectively talk to the rapist, using the stories he broadcasts to lure him into a trap, and finally, discover the extraordinary solution to the riddle."

another thriller novel. read it from late afternoon until night time. wanted to finish and get it over with. personally didn't like it much since i'm not really into suspense/thriller type of stories. i get scared and paranoid. haha..

anyway, it was basically about a set of paintings of a dying artist. there was supposed to be clues in them. whoever guesses the right answer will get the last painting of the set. the artist dies and people were wondering if it was really suicide or murder. and, why murder someone who is already dying? aside from that case, part of the book also tackled another case of rape among women who they identified to be single females with child. case ended too sudden for me, or maybe it should have had its own book?

this is the second suspense/thriller book i've read this month and there's just one more of this kind i have left. i'll try to read it next week.

dear PHR

i can't contain my feelings anymore so here goes my rants on your tagalization of foreign novels.

i'm not sure when did your publishing company started with the concept of translating harlequin mills and boon novel into tagalog. it was ok then because i believe you're on the same category of romance novels.

then came the day when it was announced that you'll be releasing the tagalog version of twilight. it weirded me out since it was a big titled novel. i presume of course you had the rights and all so, ok.

the yesterday was the release of yet another translated english novel. this time something for the young adult. what are you really upto now? you wanted to cater to different age groups? ok.

again, there were posts of your next releases. hunger games, catching fire, mockingjay? are you sure? this is going out of hand for me.

and yet i was to be shocked to see the latest in their lineup of soon to be released in filipino version. 50 shades trilogy. now i'm at lost for words. i've read the first book and i can't imagine how the filipino version will be.

of course it was said that you're giving the filipino readers a choice to read these works by foreign authors either in english language or tagalog. you even mentioned about having seen bestsellers in other countries that are translated in their countries' native language. i'd give credit to your group for taking the risk of bringing in these bestsellers and giving a filipino touch into them.

but here's what i really wanted to say. instead of focusing on bringing in bestsellers of other countries and sharing them with our countrymen, why not create a group that would translate our local authors' works into english and sell them. having them adapted into tv show was a good move (although i detest that why the need to change parts of the stories and not just go as what was originally written by the writers). but instead of having to spend on getting rights for translating others' works, why not focus on our own and develop them. :)

Monday, July 9, 2012


All people want to receive a hug from someone they love. Didn’t you know that there are 16 Types of Hugs? Mind if I list it down? :)
The “Ilove you” hug- A close cheek-to-cheek hug that says “I Love You“ even more with an added kiss on the lips.
The “I want you” hug- A close hug with a bit of rubbing and grinding.
The “Big bear” hug- Pull your partner in really, really, really close, put your arms completely around them, and squeeze tight.
The “But squeeze” hug- A sexy, passionate hug. Pull your partner in close, lift your leg around their legs and give their butt a passionate squeeze. I bet all boys wants to do this on their girlfriends.
The “Ecstatic jump” hug- Run at your partner and jump into their arms with excitement!
The “Encouraging” hug- Pull your partner close and give them a gentle squeeze with a light pat on the back.
The “Friendly” hug- Put your arms lightly around your partner’s shoulders and give a gentle squeeze. One of my favorite hug :)
The “Group” hug- A hug involving multiple people - family or friends - where you all put your arms around one another.
The “Half” hug- A quick wrap, lightly touching your partner where your arms only go halfway around (hence, half a hug)
The “Hello and Goodbye” hug- quick, semi-close hug paired with a kiss on the cheek.
The “Hug of Joy”- A semi-close hug with excitement and movement that often times includes a bit of excitement jumping.
The “Passionate Squeeze” hug- Pull your partner in closely and give them a passionate squeeze as you gently kiss along their neck.
The “Snuggle” hug- Usually works best when sitting on a couch, etc. Drape your arm around your partner’s shoulders and snuggle up in close. The sweetest ♥
The “Spoon” hug- While not normally thought of as a hug, the ‘spoon’ is essentially your arms wrapped around your partner — a hug! While lying in bed on your side, pull your partner close and wrap your body around theirs in a ‘spoon’ position.
The “Sympathy” hug- Pull your partner close and lay their head lightly on your shoulder as you give their back a light rub.
The “Tree” hug- Find a large tree (perhaps while picnic-ing), and each partner wrap their arms around the tree to meet the other partner’s hands.

^repost from someone's facebook post^

Sunday, July 8, 2012

chinoytv's new set of hosts

chinoytv earlier introduced their 11 additional hosts.

oh... i haven't been able to watch the show since i'm out usually on sunday morning during their show's time. but based on the times i was able to watch, i've observed that there's usually the 4 or 5 "main hosts" i call that are visible. from the first set of hosts, rarely do we see the others. maybe because some of them are busy with work or something and those visible ones are the full time hosts i guess.

anyway, just hope that with the new batch coming in, they'll have ample exposure.

in my opinion, chinoytv's better than the other show fil-chi. although chinoytv's hosts aren't that good at hosting, they are still way way better than the other show's hosts who are so stiff looking and obviously reading their lines (no offense, that's just my observation on the one and only time i was able to watch that show. i didn't dare watch it again. maybe next time).

p.s. : i was shocked to see one of the new hosts of chinoytv. i was like: wait! i know that guy! haha.. anyway, he is indeed that guy i know. didn't imagine he'd go "showbiz". but he's a very good speaker, so i know he'd do good there. goodluck!

Saturday, July 7, 2012


so, what's your status?

as of now, mine's single...
can also be for rent/lease.. haha...

Friday, July 6, 2012

changed man...

Thursday, July 5, 2012

gf vs. bf

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

he says she says

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

the quickie

"Lauren Stillwell is not your average damsel in distress. When the NYPD cop discovers her husband leaving a hotel with another woman, she decides to beat him at his own game. But her revenge goes dangerously awry, and she finds her world spiraling into a hell that becomes more terrifying by the hour.
In a further twist of fate, Lauren must take on a job that threatens everything she stands for. Now, she's paralyzed by a deadly secret that could tear her life apart. With her job and marriage on the line, Lauren's desire for retribution becomes a lethal inferno as she fights to save her livelihood--and her life.
Patterson takes us on a twisting roller-coaster ride of thrills in his most gripping novel yet. This story of love, lust and dangerous secrets will have readers' hearts pounding to the very last page."

this is my first suspense/thriller book after a long time. hehe..

i'm not going to go into details of the story since there's some nice twists that it's better to read it yourself. no spoilers. hehe..

all in all the plot really got me bothered. the thought that how can we really know if some, especially our partner is faithful to you. but most importantly is, how can we tell if our partner is living another life without our knowledge. it's scary in a way that makes me think is it even safe or sane to go into a relationship thinking of these what ifs?

Monday, July 2, 2012


Sunday, July 1, 2012

june book challenge

wow! june was an achievement for me. although i started late with the reading mode, i was able to finish a couple of books. :)
i included the tagalog ones since they're still books, right? i admit, i totally set aside all those english pocketbooks i've bought over the years and focused on reading the tagalog ones. they're shorter and easier to finish. hehe.. i just hope i'll be able to keep reading and won't be back to my super lazy me.

Friday, June 29, 2012

something from tiffany's

" It's Christmas Eve. And on 5th Avenue in New York City, two very different men are shopping for gifts for the women they love.
Garry is buying his girlfriend Rachel a charm bracelet. Partly to thank her for paying for their holiday-of-a-lifetime to New York. But mainly because he's left his Christmas shopping far too late.
Whereas Ethan's looking for something a little more special - an engagement ring for the first woman to have made him happy since he lost the love of his life.
But when the two men's shopping bags get confused, and Rachel somehow ends up with Ethan's ring, the couples' lives become intertwined. And as Ethan tries to reunite the ring with the woman it was actually intended for, he finds it trickier than expected."

it's by far one of the books i liked. i was actually having a hard time putting it down, i just wanted to finish it and know how the characters' stories ended. there are a lot of twists and it really kept me wanting to continue reading and find out more on what's going to happen next. though the main idea of having switched bags was kind of impossible, it's still a good easy read. :)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

sweet valley twins: the boyfriend mess

"Valentine's Day at SVMS has everyone seeing red!

It's Valentine's Day and Sweet Valley is being treated to the dance of the decade, courtesy of Young Love, the hottest dating game show on TV. But although the music is cool and the decorations are great, the couples at the dance are totally bizarre.

Jessica Wakefield and her identical twin, Elizabeth, switched identities for the dating game. Now Jessica's trapped in a date with her sister's sort-of-boyfriend, Todd Wilkins, who doesn't even suspect that he's with the wrong girl! Janet Howell is stuck with super geek Donald Zwerling, thanks to Young Love. Maria Slater is actually psyched to be with Patrick Morris, but he only has eyes for Sophia Rizzo. Everyone's with the wrong partner! Can they find true romance before this night to remember becomes a night to forget?"

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

fifty shades of grey

"When literature student Anastasia Steele goes to interview young entrepreneur Christian Grey, she encounters a man who is beautiful, brilliant, and intimidating. The unworldly, innocent Ana is startled to realize she wants this man and, despite his enigmatic reserve, finds she is desperate to get close to him. Unable to resist Ana’s quiet beauty, wit, and independent spirit, Grey admits he wants her, too—but on his own terms.

Shocked yet thrilled by Grey’s singular erotic tastes, Ana hesitates. For all the trappings of success—his multinational businesses, his vast wealth, his loving family—Grey is a man tormented by demons and consumed by the need to control. When the couple embarks on a daring, passionately physical affair, Ana discovers Christian Grey’s secrets and explores her own dark desires."

this is the first book in the most talked about series lately. honestly, it lives up to what it says in the book cover: "erotic, amusing, and deeply moving".
their love story's moving, it made me feel "kilig" and wanted a guy like christian, rich, handsome, powerful, sweet, loving, etc.

i loved most in the book was christian and anna's text, chat exchanges. it was all amusing and really showed their real personalities.

most of all, the book is erotic, with mature/adult content. this is from christian's other personality. his unusual sexual practices that made me think twice that he's not that a perfect guy at all. i'm actually scared of that part of him.

overall, the book's good. i skipped some parts of the sexual portions of the book since it could get too descriptive of the actual acts of bondage/discipline, dominance/submission, sadism/masochism (BDSM). maybe the main reason the book's much talked about is just because it tackled the bdsm concept but still was able to incorporate romance into it.

Friday, June 22, 2012

fifty shades trilogy

i was curious why everyone seems to be mentioning about the book fifty shades of grey. i know i've read somewhere that it's something about sexual story. am not so sure. anyway, i was so curious i went to nbs to buy the book but saw a set of three pack. it was just cheaper by 10 pesos compare to buying the 3 books individually. i was also thinking whether to buy now or wait until september for the bookfair to have discount since it's very pricey. anyway, i thought that september's too far away and i don't want to wait until then to know about the story of the book. hehe. so i purchased the trilogy set and found out it was discounted. too bad it was just 5% off but still, it's discount. hehe.

disclaimer: there's a note in the trilogy set box saying for adult audience. so, there's really something in the story.. hmmm...

hopefully i could start reading it soon, and finish it. goodluck! :)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

in each other's shoes

"A mix-up at school lands fashionista Veronica as the editor of the school paper and bookish Betty as the head of the school's charity fashion show. Now the two best friends have to live out the semester in each other's shoes."

their school paper needed a new editor for the last 2 issues and betty wanted to get the position. veronica on the other hand wanted to head the school's charity fashion show. an election was done for the different issues of the school. jughead was in charge of monitoring the ballot boxes and had an accident while bring the boxes to the principal's office. the tag of two boxes fell and jughead swapped the tags.

the result of the election was that betty would be heading the fashion show and veronica is the new editor of the school paper. they tried to talk with the principal about the possible mix up but ginger (who was running both for editor and head of fashion show) was already making a scene in the office that betty and veronica cheated in the election that's why they won. the principal told ginger to accept losing the election and told betty and veronica to accept the responsibility.

the two girls tried to help each other with their tasks but eventually worked on their own. ginger fed both girls with wrong ideas to make them fail in their tasks. later on, ginger found out that there was really a mix up in the ballot boxes and felt guilty trying to sabotage betty and veronica. she asked for their forgiveness and tried to help them in their projects. she was forgiven and the three were able to make the fashion show successful and the last issue of the school paper the best so far.

Monday, June 18, 2012

we're with the band

" BFFs Betty and Veronica decide to form their own band, The Candy Hearts, and spend their summer touring the local hot spots. But will life in the spotlight be all they hoped for, or will the strain of being pop stars take its toll on their friendship?"

finished reading this today. hehe.. i've bought this some time ago but wasn't in the mood to read it. i actually though it was comics type, but it was not. it's really a book, still about archies and friends. actually there are 3 titles of this "series" in the stores but i was only able to buy 2 of them, i'll try to buy the 3rd one to complete my collection, hehe. :)

it was about betty and veronica forming their own girl band when they were told that they were just "icing" on the cake for the band the archies. they were actually able to form one together with nancy and the new girl in town, tina. their band became famous with the "help" of tina who books gigs for them. but tina was much into the whole fame and showbizness of the band to the extent that she'd post the group's scheduled events, where they are hanging out, etc. betty, veronica and nancy were not too keen having lost their privacy and time for them to really relax.

tina also made ways to make betty and veronica get mad at each other, almost making them lose their friendship. it didn't happen of course and the two of them, together with nancy decided to end the band since it's almost the start of school and they'd want to enjoy the rest of summer less the busy sched of being in the band.

tina was angry at the three girls' decision because she wanted the fame so bad. she formed another band which became famous also. archie asked betty and veronica to play with the band which the two girls agreed to since they really enjoy being in the band.

Monday, June 4, 2012

chow bun

i passed by chowking this afternoon and noticed that they have a new product, chow bun which comes in different variants. there's chinese sausage, special chinese sausage, braised chicken, and something beef.

i ordered one chinese sausage for mom and braised chicken for me to take home. after a few minutes, someone from the kitchen came to the cashier girl informing her that they're already out of stock for the chinese sausage, thus, i had to change my order to another braised chicken since we don't eat beef.

as usual, chowking never failed to live up to it's name as the slowest fast food i know. don't reason out that they cook actual dished unlike jollibee and mcdo which only serves basically burgers and fried food. they should have just dropped the fast food part so that customers like me won't expect to have my food asap especially when hungry.

below is the chowking bun. packaging was cute, i especially liked the imprints CK on the bun. the taste of the braised chicken was ordinary for me, a little bit tangy from pepper i think. i could skip the vegetable parts. hehe.. and the tofu was a weird inclusion in this "dish". all in all, it was something to have just to ease hunger. hehe.. for 49 pesos, it was so-so. next time i'll try the chinese sausage one (that one's only 25 pesos, the reason i think why it was sold out easily. hehe, the special chinese sausage is just chinese sausage with carrots and cabbage plus tofu slices which makes it 35 pesos).

Saturday, May 26, 2012


ANG PANLILIGAW NOON: Dinadaan sa pagsisibak ng kahoy, pag-iigib ng tubig at panghaharana.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

wan chai

Finally, I was able to eat at Wan Chai in Binondo.. hehe.. We ordered several dishes to try which were only 85pesos per order. it was their promo for off peak hours. i'm actually impressed that the food didn't take that long to be served.
Food tasted average but when we were on our way home we got thirsty, dad said the dishes had vetsin thus the thirst.

Pork Hofan

Shanghai Noodles


Meatball Congee

Fried Pork Chop Noodle

Raddish Cake